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I guess I've always been a bit woowoo when it comes to the way I experience life. Always searching for meaning I dove deep into esoterics and astrology from the age of only 19 (Interestingly exactly 19 years go).


As long as I can remember I would experience random shifts in my awareness where I could grasp something greater beyond the physical day-to-day experience I was living. So my desire for spiritual awakening had continued to stay with me.


I found myself making quantum shifts at around the age of 33 when was I finally able to remove myself what felt like the shackles of the daily grind and focus more on the spiritual aspects of my being.


Meditation, contemplation, and observation of my thoughts and feelings became a daily practice, and for the first time I started receiving what I now know as 'downloads'. Sleepless nights making inter-dimensional contact with the spirit world became a thing for me and I knew that my life would be changing forever.


The following 5 years was a process of return to authenticity, which would ultimately help lead me to self-empowerment. These two topics I'm highly passionate about. They continue to be a major aspect of my teachings as I help others do the same.


Soul Illumination as a process as far as my knowledge goes is a completely new technique developed by me over my journey of my own soul illumination and discovery of my unique life purpose.



There is no school for Soul Illumination and no diploma. There is only my soul work and trust and intuition on your part. If you feel that this may be for you then you absolutely must do it as it could be life-changing. 

I don't do the process of soul communication while I'm in the presence of my clients simply because I do not enter this deep state of gnosis and inter-dimensional travel as easily with people around so have found that doing it in private works best. I have also found that energies (ie. People's auras or energy they emit) can interfere greatly with the process, which is another reason why it's important that I do this completely on my own in a private and comfortable space.


I'm here to lift the planet to a higher level of consciousness and my method is by aligning you with your authenticity. After learning how to connect with souls on an inter-dimensional level it came to me that I can use this unique ability to help you do just that.


So here you are. On the threshold of a journey into the unknown. It is important that you trust your own guidance and intuition when choosing whether to work with me. I am not here to convince, but to give you as much information as I can so that you can make an informed intuitive decision for yourself.


Be you. Stay true. 

my purpose

Image by engin akyurt

Empowerment begins with self-awareness. I'm here to help you get clear on who you truly are, your purpose, and your unique self-expression


My mission is to align your ego and soul so that you can be who you have come here to be and live a fulfilled life


I want you to live your authenticity and to speak your truth to reveal your unique creative powers and influence on the world

"Thank you Alyssa! I was first a bit sceptical, but decided to try. And couldn't believe when I got my 'result'. Every single thing Alyssa interpreted for me was so accurate and completely true"

- Alina, Dunedin, New Zealand

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soul illumination

I'm passionate about results. 
Get ready to step into your power.

Book in your FREE intro session (via Zoom) and take the first step to your soul illumination

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