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privacy policy

Your privacy is very important to us. With that in mind, we have established and implemented information handling practices that we believe are consistent with the highest standards and best practices of organizations doing business on the Internet. This privacy policy describes the practices that apply to our site, including, specifically, the information we collect about you, when and how we collect that information and what may happen to that information.


  • we will not collect personally identifiable information like your name, e-mail and mailing address and telephone number ("Personal Information") without your knowledge and permission;

  • we will not disclose your Personal Information to third parties unless you have authorized us to do so;

  • we will take reasonable steps to protect the security of the Personal Information we collect from you.


We collect personal information from you, including information about your:

  • name

  • contact information

  • billing or purchase information (to process payments only)


We collect your personal information in order to:

  • To process payments, make online bookings and to contact you via email


Providing some information is optional. If you choose not to enter their full name, credit card details, email, or billing address, we'll be unable to process payments.


You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at




all payments are secure


We do not collect personally identifiable information on our website, such as your name, address, e-mail address or telephone number, without your knowledge. Such information is collected only when you knowingly and voluntarily submit it to us (as, for example, when you contact us via e-mail). We use such voluntarily submitted information for the purposes for which it was submitted. When you place an order will ask you to provide certain information about yourself, such as your name, mailing address, or e-mail address. The personal information you submit when placing your order is treated as confidential. We use this information to process your transaction, and we share the information with Visa, Mastercard, Paypal etc. in order to process your order.


We use stringently tested technologies provided by WIX to ensure the security of information transmitted via our website and maintained in our possession. When you place your order "checkout" you will see a lock icon appear on the status bar of your browser. This indicates that the data that is submitted is encrypted while in transit and so cannot be viewed by anyone other than us. In addition, when we receive that data, it is stored on a separate location to the web server so that it can only be accessed by us.



Auckland, New Zealand 


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