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Can fear be your friend?

Fear is my friend. Or so my bedroom mirror says.

They say that if you can't fight them join them. And this exactly what I decided to do with fear.

In Bali I made the decision to face two very real fears of mine:

1. Holding a spider (and this was a huge one!)

2. Riding on the back of a motorcycle.

These may seem like nothing to some, but for me these were real fears.

I don't really watch TV anymore, but there is one show that I occasionally indulge in because it teaches me so much! I highly recommend Alaskan Bush People to everybody as it shows a new perspective on success and just how individual and unique our soul journeys are. It's fascinating!

Anyway, in one of the episodes Noah showed the viewers that in order to overcome his fear of spiders (which I also share) he started keeping them as pets in the glass jars so that he can watch and interact with them on a daily basis.

In other words, he was normalising his interaction with spiders until he feels OK being around them.

Well, I didn't quite go that far, but holding a giant tarantula when I was in Bali last week certainly took my fear of spiders down by about 10 notches.

And guess what? The spider turned out to be kind of cute and the motorbike was exhilarating and so incredibly fun! And I'm still alive!

Facing your fears is liberating and fear CAN be your friend. Don't simply avoid and dismiss it as your ugly cousin because sometimes it's merely about spiders and other times it can be about some of the biggest more meaningful and most exciting actions that you will take. So don't let fear stop you.

As for me, thank you fear for showing me where I can grow, have fun, and get more in touch with my soul that wants all new exciting experiences for me.

So, if you feel both excited and fearful about doing something, most likely it's our soul asking you to step out of your comfort zone and to level up. So do it!

Be you. Stay true. Always. xx


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