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working with global leaders for change

Hi, I'm Alyssa, the founder of Flip My Life #FML and I help energetically align those who are ready to step into their true power for a global impact in the raising of consciousness. My unique gift is reigniting your passion for life and helping you shine your light, helping you remember your true powers and why you entered this life. My vision for the world is authenticity, play, and creative expression.


Thank you for visiting. Be you, stay true. xx

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If there is ANYONE EVER you want to work with, who will change you life immeasurably for the better, it's going to be Alyssa.

James, Auckland, New Zealand

I booked a session without truly understanding how powerful of an experience I was about to have, and was surprised in the best way possible.

Emmanuelle, Quebec Canada

I must say, I'm genuinely taken aback. The experience was profoundly beautiful and transformative.

Rodrigo, Mexico City

are you ready to flip your life?

If you have made it to my website chances are you have a deep desire to connect with you higher purpose - Your soul's mission, something you came here to do to make an impact and a real difference in the world. Welcome! Are you ready to connect to your purpose and align with your higher self and take your life to the next level?

Do you feel that you were meant for greatness?

Greatness is individual and unique, and that's what makes it powerful. As a spiritual guide I'm here to help you unlock your full potential, to put you into your ultimate power. To help you remember who you truly and why you came into this life.


Recognise the true god/goddess you are as well as your unique super power! It is my work to channel this information for you through my unique gifts of connecting to the universe on a multi-dimensional level.

I can’t recommend Alyssa enough for helping others to find themselves again.

- Tatiana, Auckland, New Zealand


Auckland, New Zealand 


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All rights reserved.

Thanks. I will aim to be in touch within 48hrs

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